
The gif terminal driver generates output in GIF format. It uses Thomas Boutell's gd library, which is available from

By default, the gif terminal driver uses a shared Web-friendy palette. Syntax:

     set terminal gif {transparent} {interlace}
                      {tiny | small | medium | large | giant}
                      {size <x>,<y>}
                      {<color0> <color1> <color2> ...}

transparent instructs the driver to generate transparent GIFs. The first color will be the transparent one.

interlace instructs the driver to generate interlaced GIFs.

The choice of fonts is tiny (5x8 pixels), small (6x12 pixels), medium (7x13 Bold), large (8x16) or giant (9x15 pixels)

The size <x,y> is given in pixels — it defaults to 640x480. The number of pixels can be also modified by scaling with the set size command.

Each color must be of the form 'xrrggbb', where x is the literal character 'x' and 'rrggbb' are the red, green and blue components in hex. For example, 'x00ff00' is green. The background color is set first, then the border colors, then the X & Y axis colors, then the plotting colors. The maximum number of colors that can be set is 256.


     set terminal gif small size 640,480 \
                      xffffff x000000 x404040 \
                      xff0000 xffa500 x66cdaa xcdb5cd \
                      xadd8e6 x0000ff xdda0dd x9500d3    # defaults

which uses white for the non-transparent background, black for borders, gray for the axes, and red, orange, medium aquamarine, thistle 3, light blue, blue, plum and dark violet for eight plotting colors.

     set terminal gif transparent xffffff \
                      x000000 x202020 x404040 x606060 \
                      x808080 xA0A0A0 xC0C0C0 xE0E0E0 \
which uses white for the transparent background, black for borders, dark gray for axes, and a gray-scale for the six plotting colors.

The page size is 640x480 pixels. The gif driver can create either color or monochromatic output, but you have no control over which is produced.

The current version of the gif driver does not support animated GIFs.